SARS-CoV-2 S-RBD directly interacts with TRPV2. (A-C) SARS-CoV-2 S-RBD interaction with endogenous TRPV2 at 39.5 ℃ in PBAMs (A), RAW264.7 cells (B), and THP-1 cells (C). (D-F) HA - S-RBD and HA - Vector were co-expressed in PBAMs (D), RAW264.7 cells (E), and THP-1 cells (F) under 39.5 ℃, and co-IP assays showed that TRPV2 interacted with S-RBD. (G) Interaction of TRPV2 and S-RBD was detected by GST-pulldown assay. (H) Interaction of TRPV2 and S-RBD was detected by surface plasmon resonance assay. Data are shown as the mean ± SD (n = 3). (I) Left: IF performed with primary anti - S-RBD and anti - TRPV2 antibodies and secondary antibodies (488 nm, donkey anti-mouse and 568 nm, donkey anti - rabbit). Scale bars represent 20 µm. Right: Ratio of TRPV2 to S-RBD. The ratio was calculated using the mean fluorescence intensity using Image J software from TRPV2 to S-RBD immunofluorescence data.