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. 2019 Feb 14;188(6):1165–1173. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwz026

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Low- and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients in the National Prostate Cancer Register and of Cases and Controls in the ProMort Study, Sweden, 1998–2011

Variable NPCR ProMort
Died From PC (n = 1,735) Did Not Die From PC (n = 56,217) Cases (n = 1,710) Controls (n = 1,710)
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Year of diagnosis
 1998–2000 591 34.06 5,377 9.56 578 33.80 578 33.80
 2001–2004 751 43.29 14,339 25.51 741 43.33 741 43.33
 2005–2008 336 19.37 19,239 34.22 334 19.53 334 19.53
 2009–2011 57 3.28 17,262 30.71 57 3.33 57 3.33
Age at diagnosis, yearsa 73.75 (7.75) 67.21 (7.99) 73.73 (7.75) 67.62 (7.76)
Age group at diagnosis, years
 ≤55.0 29 1.67 3,168 5.64 29 1.70 80 4.68
 55.1–65.0 205 11.82 19,731 35.10 200 11.70 568 33.22
 65.1–75.0 699 40.29 23,725 42.20 690 40.35 756 44.21
 >75.0 802 46.22 9,593 17.06 791 46.26 306 17.89
Gleason score
 ≤6 948 54.64 39,114 69.58 927 54.21 1,328 77.66
 7 787 45.36 17,103 30.42 783 45.79 382 22.34
Tumor stage
 T1 2 0.12 58 0.10 2 0.12 2 0.12
 T1a 76 4.38 2,829 5.03 75 4.39 119 6.96
 T1b 94 5.42 1,366 2.43 92 5.38 51 2.98
 T1c 534 30.78 33,104 58.89 521 30.47 854 49.94
 T2 1,029 59.31 18,860 33.55 1,020 59.65 684 40.00
PSA level, ng/mLa 10.36 (4.56) 7.99 (4.08) 10.36 (4.58) 8.77 (4.29)
PSA category, ng/mL
 <4.0 116 6.69 7,239 12.88 116 6.78 176 10.29
 4.0–9.9 754 43.46 33,659 59.87 740 43.27 933 54.56
 ≥10.0 865 49.86 15,319 27.25 854 49.94 601 35.15
Follow-up time, yearsb 5.87 (3.58–8.57) 5.55 (3.08–8.35) 5.86 (3.59–8.51) 9.86 (7.56–12.09)
Cause of censoringc,d
  Prostate cancer 1,735 100.00 1,710 100.00 80 4.68
  Other causes 7,968 14.17 262 15.32
 Administrativee 48,249 85.83 1,368 80.00
Initial treatment
 Conservative 798 46.80 20,804 37.87 785 46.70 648 38.53
 Curative 412 24.16 29,653 53.98 407 24.21 849 50.48
 Noncurative 495 29.03 4,476 8.15 489 29.09 185 11.00
 Missing data 30 1,284 29 28

Abbreviations: NPCR, National Prostate Cancer Register; PC, prostate cancer; ProMort, Prognostic Factors for Mortality in Prostate Cancer; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.

a Values are expressed as mean (standard deviation).

b Values are expressed as median (25th–75th percentile range).

c No right-censoring was assumed in the study because of the very low percentage (0.23%) of loss to follow-up.

d For ProMort controls, censoring refers to follow-up after sampling into the ProMort study.

e Administrative censoring occurred on December 31, 2012.