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. 2021 Jun 3;9:654397. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.654397



Characterization of a Scx null mutant mouse strain. (A) Schematic diagram and strategy of generating Scx null mutant allele. A VelociGene ZEN-Ub1 LacZ reporter cassette was inserted after the endogenous Scx ATG codon, by homologous recombination, and replaced the entire Scx coding sequence plus a 56 bp 3′ UTR sequence. (B,C) In situ hybridization on E13.5 Scx–/– mutant and control forelimbs, with an anti-sense RNA probe against the protein coding region of the Scx mRNAs. (D–I) Whole mount view of tendons in forelimb (D,E), hindlimb (F,G), and tail (H,I) from Scx–/– mutant (E,G,I) and control littermates (D,F,H) at P21. White arrowheads point to extensor digitorium communis in panels (D,E), Achilles tendons in panels (F,G), and tail tendons in panels (H,I). Scale bar is 500 μm in panel (B) and 1000 μm in panel (D).