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. 2021 Feb 1;14(2):50–60.


Summary of the dermatologic uses of PL and the supporting clinical studies

Acute chemophoto-protection (UV) Middelkamp-Hup et al (2004) Nine subjects (Fitzpatrick 2–3) 7.5mg/kg prior to sun exposure (480mg/d) Antioxidant, immunoprotective, anti-inflammatory Decrease in erythema in PL treated skin at 24 hours (p<0.01). Biopsy showed less sun-burned cells (p<0.05), less CPDs (p<0.001), less epidermal proliferation (p<0.01), and less mast cell infiltration (p<0.05)
Kohli et al (2017) 22 subjects ((Fitzpatrick 1–3) 240mg one hour, 240mg two hours prior to UVB irradiation (480mg/d) Colorimetry: decrease in relative erythema intensity (p<0.05) Histologic reduction UVB biomarkers (p<0.05)
Photoaging and skin cancer Villa et al (2010) 10 subjects (29–54 years old) 240mg PL 8 and two hours before UVA Antioxidant, immunoprotective, anti-inflammatory, ECM regulation Decrease in CB by 84 percent with PL (p=0.06)
Actinic Keratosis (AK) Auriemma et al (2015) 35 men with baldness and 2+ AKs 960mg/d every month; 480mg/d every five months Immunoprotective, photoprotective Decreased recurrence of AK following PDT treatment (p=0.04)
Vitiligo Reyes et al (2006) 19 subjects 720mg/d + PUVA Antioxidant, immunoprotective, photoprotective More PL + PUVA patients achieved 50 percent or greater repigmentation compared with placebo + PUVA (p<0.01)
Pacifico, 2009 (poster) 50 subjects with generalized vitiligo Six months: 29 subjects PL 480mg every day + NB-UVB; 28 subjects placebo + NB-UVB PL + NB-UVB increased repigmentation (p<0.0005). Time to repigmentation was 1 month (PL) versus 3 months placebo
Middelkamp-Hup et al (2007) 50 subjects with vitiligo 250mg PO tid +NB-UVB biweekly for 25 to 26 weeks Subjects with 80 percent attendance or more to NB-UVB + PL 50 percent repigmentation versus 19 percent placebo (p<0.002)
Melasma Ahmed et al (2013) 33 Hispanic females with melasma 240mg PL tid for 12 weeks + topical SPF 55 Photoprotective 5.1 difference in melanin index (p=0.14). No statistical significance in MASI scores (p=0.62)
33 Asian females from Singapore with melasma 480mg PL at 8 am and 1 pm for 12 weeks + topical hydroquinone and SPF 50+ mMASi and MelasQol scores reduced (p<0.05). Failed to find significant difference in melanin index score
21 female subjects, aged 18 to 50, with epidermal melasma PL 240mg PO bid + SPF 45 daily for 12 weeks Statistically significant decrease in MASI scores in PL (p<0.05)
PMLE/Solar urticaria Tanew et al (2012) 30 subjects with severe PMLE <55kg: 720mg qd 56 to 70kg: 960mg qd >70kg: 1200mg qd Antioxidant, photoprotective, immunoprotective No PMLE lesions in 30 percent and 28 percent exposed to UVA and UVB, respectfully. Increase in mean number of UVA and UVB irradiations to elicit PMLE (p=0.005; p=0.047)
Caccialanza et al (2007) 26 subjects (19 female; 9 male), ages 21 to 68, with severe PMLE PL 480mg qd (7.5mg/kg a day) Significant decrease (p<0.05)
Caccialanza et al (2012) 53 subjects with severe PMLE; four with solar urticaria 480mg/d PO 73.68-percent improvement (p<0.05)
High-risk patients with MM Aguilera et al (2013) 61 subjects 240mg every 8 hours for one day and 360mg 3 hours before MED Photoprotection, antioxidant Reduction of UVB-MED values (p<0.005)
Atopic Dermatitis Romirez-Rosca et al (2012) 105 subjects, ages 2 to 17, with atopic dermatitis Topical CS + age <6 years: 240mg/d 6 to 12 years: 360mg/d >12 years: 480mg/d Antioxidant, immunoprotective No significant decrease in CS use, but there was a significant decrease of antihistamine use (p=0.038)
SCLE Breithaupt and Jacob (2012) 1 subject moderately controlled on hydroxychloroquine 240mg/d PL + hydroxychloroquine Immunoprotective, antioxidant Achieved near total remission
PCT Hatch et al (2017) 1 subject with PCT on hemodialysis 240mg/d PO + hydroxychloroquine, topical CS, and mupirocin Antioxidant, photoprotective “Dramatic improvement”