A) Graph shows the quantification of the amount of EdU
+ cells 2 hr and 24 hr after EdU injection as described in
Figure 4D, and the amount of H3P
+ cells per μm
3 of EGL. EdU
+ and H3P
+ cells were counted and averaged from three sections per animal from five ctl and five mut animals. 2 hr EdU: ctl 1,01e
vs. mut 0.89e
−5 cells μm
−3 EGL, MWU(8), p=0.42, not significant. 24 hr EdU: ctl 1,55e
vs. mut 1.51e
−5 cells μm
−3 EGL, MWU(12.5), p>0.99, not significant. H3P: ctl 0.19e
vs. mut 0.29e
−5 cells μm
−3 EGL, MWU(5), p=0.15. Error bars represent SEM (
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1). (
B) Fifty-µm-thick slices of P8 brains 2 hr after EdU injection were immunostained for EdU and Ki67 to assess CGN proliferation rate. Spot detection in Imaris software was used to count EdU- and Ki67-positive cells in comparable stretches of EGL. Three to four slices per brain were analyzed. Colocalization is represented as percentage of EdU
+ spots, that are also Ki67
+. Ctl 53 ± 7.36% vs. mut 51.8 ± 5.3%, MWU(8) p=0.67, data averaged from four control and five mutant brains. Error bars represent SEM. (
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1).