A) EGL explants from P4-P5 cerebella electroporated ex vivo with GFP just before culture. Immunocytochemistry for GFP and Pax6 with DAPI staining shows that in both controls and
Plxnb2 mutants (almost) all GFP
+ cells are also Pax6
+ (white arrows; Pax6
+ ctl 98.77 ± 0.70%
vs. mut 98.61 ± 0.64%, MWU(28.5) p=0.72, not significant). Error bars represent SEM. Cells were counted from 8 DIV1 explants from both genotypes (667 ctl and 348 mut cells) (
Figure 7—figure supplement 2—source data 1). (
B) Ex vivo GFP-electroporated EGL explants at DIV2 immunostained for GFP and Sema6A (tangentially migrating CGNs) and counterstained with DAPI. High magnifications show that GFP
+ cells co-express Sema6a. (
C) Ex vivo GFP electroporated EGL explants at DIV2 immunostained for GFP and GFAP and counterstained with DAPI. High magnifications show that GFP
+ cells are not positive for glial markers. Scale bars: (
A): 50 μm; (
B, C): overview panels 100 μm, high magnifications 10 μm.