Fig. 3. 1-D Halide Perovskite (HP) Weak memristor Physical Unclonable Function (memPUF).
a Flowchart of HP memPUF bit generation (left). Circuit architecture of 1-D HP memPUF 32 × 32 crossbars, with differential sensing through a low-offset comparator (right). b Distribution of differential conductance before and after write-back. The magnitude of differential conductance shows a marked increase after write-back (WB) which results in improved reliability. c Analog map of HRS showing high randomness, and digital maps obtained after write-back. d Inter and Intra-HD before and after write-back for temporal changes show a reduction in bit error rate (BER) or intra-HD to 0% after write-back compared to 2.33% before write-back. Large separation between inter and intra-HD after write-back constitutes a good PUF that is identifiable and reliable.