Root inoculation with L. fusiformis Cr33 ameliorated Cd stress in tomato plants. (A) Three-weeks-old tomato plants cultured in the split-root systems were inoculated with or without Cr33 for 3 d. Then, these plants were exposed to 0 or 100 μM Cd with or without Cr33 for 10 and 20 d, respectively. These plants were used to analyze shoot phenotypes (B), root growth after 20 d of culture (C), chlorophyll content (D), shoot (E) and root (F) fresh weight, H2O2 content (G), and MDA (H) and EL (I). Asterisks indicated significant differences between the control and inoculated plants (n = 8 biological replicates) using Student’s test (ns, not significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01).