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. 2021 Apr 23;3(2):fcab090. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcab090

Table 2.

Behavioural results

Predictor Reaction times
Coef. ß SE(ß) z P Coef. ß SE(ß) z P
 ANOM—MEAN 404.392 7.131 56.706 <0.0001 0.227 0.399 0.568 1
 PSEUD—MEAN −196.256 10.424 −18.827 <0.0001 4.083 0.945 4.322 <0.0001
 SING—MEAN −253.312 5.068 −49.982 <0.0001 3.009 0.609 4.944 <0.0001
 PSEUD—ANOM −600.648 15.039 −39.939 <0.0001 3.857 0.912 4.230 <0.0005
 SING—ANOM −657.704 9.791 −67.172 <0.0001 2.82 0.681 4.083 <0.0005
 SING—PSEUD −57.056 9.148 −6.237 <0.0001 −1.075 1.099 −0.978 1

Coefficients and P-values for post-hoc pairwise comparisons of the linear mixed effects model for reaction time and accuracy. ANOM, anomalous; MEAN, meaningful; PSEUD, pseudowords; SING, single words.