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. 2021 Jun 18;7(5):2469–2484. doi: 10.1007/s40747-021-00407-9

Table 1.

Comprehensive review of WASPAS method

References Method Application
Zavadskas et al. [58] Single-valued neutrosophic WASPAS Construction of alternative sites for waste incineration plant
Turskis et al. [52] Fuzzy AHP-WASPAS Shopping center construction site selection
Ghorabaee et al. [19] Interval type-2 fuzzy WASPAS Evaluation of green suppliers
Deveci et al. [13] Interval type-2 fuzzy- WASPAS-TOPSIS Assessment of car-sharing station
Mishra and Rani [33] Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy WASPAS Evaluation and selection of reservoir flood control management policies
Mishra et al. [34] Hesitant fuzzy WASPAS Green supplier selection
Schitea et al. [42] Intuitionistic fuzzy WASPAS-COPRAS-EDAS Hydrogen mobility roll-up site selection
Rani and Mishra [41] q-rung orthopair WASPAS Alternative fuel technologies assessment
Mohagheghi and Mousavi [35] Interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy D-WASPAS Evaluation of sustainable project portfolios
Mardani et al. [28] Hesitant fuzzy-SWOT-SWARA-WASPAS Assessment of digital technologies intervention to control the COVID-19 outbreak
Rani et al. [43] Intuitionistic fuzzy type-2 WASPAS Physician selection
Agarwal et al. [1] Fuzzy SWARA-WASPAS Evaluation of humanitarian supply chain management barriers
Ali et al. [2] Uncertain probabilistic linguistic WASPAS Supplier selection