Table 6. Laboratory values during the first 24 hours of admission.
n (%) or median [IQR] | ||||
All patients | Non-severe disease | Severe disease | p-value | |
n = 223 | n = 168(%) | n = 55(%) | ||
Leukocytosisa | 28(12.6) | 20(12.1) | 8(14.8) | 0.4967 |
Leucopeniab | 21(9.4) | 14(8.4) | 7(13.0) | |
Normal WBC | 171(76.7) | 132(79.5) | 39(72.2) | |
Lymphopeniac | 136(61) | 98(59.4) | 38(70.4) | 0.2991 |
Thrombocytopeniad | 48(21.5) | 38(22.9) | 10(18.5) | 0.6189 |
ALT> 45 IU/Le | 40(17.9) | 29(21.2) | 11(24.4) | 0.6451 |
AST> 42 IU/Le | 53(23.8) | 35(25.6) | 18(40.0) | 0.0641 |
Elevated BUNf | 57(25.6) | 38(22.9) | 19(35.2) | 0.0733 |
Elevated creatinineg | 54(24.2) | 36(21.7) | 18(33.3) | 0.0841 |
eGFR<60h | 76(34.1) | 50(30.5) | 26(48.2) | 0.0182* |
Hyponatremiai | 97(43.5) | 70(41.7) | 27(49.0) | 0.3350 |
Hypokalemiaj | 61(27.4) | 50(30.1) | 11(20.4) | 0.3787 |
Hypocalcemiak | 54(24.2) | 38(22.9) | 16(29.6) | 0.4558 |
Elevated troponinl | 32(14.3) | 21(16.7) | 11(25) | 0.2234 |
Hypoalbuminemiam | 40(17.9) | 23(16.8) | 17(37.8) | 0.0116* |
Elevated CRPn | 112(50.2) | 86(90.5) | 26(100) | 0.1028 |
Elevated D-dimero | 43(19.3) | 28(43.8) | 15(71.4) | 0.0277* |
Elevated Ferritinp | 74(33.2) | 51(82.3) | 23(95.8) | 0.1032 |
Elevated LDHq | 73(32.7) | 54(68.4) | 19(86.4) | 0.0951 |
Abbreviations: heGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; gAKI/ CKD, acute kidney injury/ chronic kidney injury; fBUN, blood urea nitrogen
aLeukocytosis is defined as WBC> 11x10exp9/L;
bleucopenia is defined as WBC< 3.5x10exp9/L;
clymphopenia is defined as <1x10exp9/L;
dthrombocytopenia is defined as platelet count below 150x10exp9/L;
felevated BUN defined as >24 mg/dl;
gElevated creatinine defined as serum creatinine>1.27 mg/dl;
ihyponatremia is defined as serum sodium<135mEq/L;
jhypokalemia is defined as serum potassium < 3.5mEq/L;
khypocalcemia is defined as serum calcium< 8.5 mEq/L;
lelevated troponin is defined as troponin of >0.06ng/ml;
mhypoalbuminemia is defined as serum albumin of <3.5 g/dl;
nelevated CRP (C-reactive protein) is defined as >10mg/L;
oelevated D-dimer is defined as >300ng/mL;
pelevated ferritin is defined as >120 ng/ml;
qelevated LDH defined as >220 IU/L
oD-dimer was missing in 138 patients; pferritin was missing in 137 patients; qLDH was missing in 122 patients; nCRP was missing in 102 patients; ltroponin was missing in 53 patients; eALT, eAST, malbumin was missing in 41 patients;
heGFR was missing in 5 patients;
clymphocyte count was missing in 4 patients; WBC count, dplatelet count, ecreatinine, fBUN, kcalcium, and jpotassium was missing in 3 patients
*p-values of <0.05