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. 2021 Jun 18;16(6):e0252411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252411

Table 7. Radiology imaging results during the first 24 hours of admission.

All patients Non- severe disease Severe disease p-value
n = 223(%) n = 168(%) n = 55(%)
CXRa 218(97.8)
 Normal 44(19.7) 39(23.2) 5(9.1) 0.0223*
 Unilateral abnormalitiesb 9(4) 6(3.6) 3(5.5) 0.5379
 Bilateral abnormalitiesc 73(32.7) 49(29.2) 24(43.6) 0.0472*
 Multifocal abnormalitiesd 58(26) 40(23.8) 18(32.7) 0.1907
 Airspace diseasee 145(65) 104(61.9) 41(74.6) 0.0880
 Consolidatione 8(3.6) 6(3.6) 2(3.6) 0.9821
 Ground glasse 9(4) 6(3.6) 3(5.4) 0.5379
 Interstitiale 30(13.5) 24(14.3) 6(10.9) 0.5241
 Nodulare 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) NAg
 Peripherale 14(6.3) 10(6.0) 4(7.3) 0.7261
 Pleural effusione 9(4) 6(3.6) 3(5.5) 0.5379
CT scanf 70(31.4)
 Normal 6(2.7) 5(3.0) 1(1.8) 0.6450
 Unilateral abnormalitiesb 0(0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) NAg
 Bilateral abnormalitiesc 40(17.9) 25(14.9) 15(27.3) 0.0376*
 Multifocal abnormalitiesd 25(11.2) 15(8.9) 10(18.2) 0.0590
 Airspace diseasee 28(12.6) 21(12.5) 7(12.7) 0.9648
 Consolidatione 6(2.7) 3(1.8) 3(5.5) 0.1444
 Ground glasse 43(19.3) 24(14.3) 19(34.6) 0.0009*
 Interstitiale 1(0.4) 1(0.6) 0(0) 0.5663
 Nodulare 5(2.2) 5(3.0) 0(0) 0.1957
 Peripherale 23(10.3) 17(10.1) 6(10.9) 0.8672
 Pleural effusione 8(3.6) 4(2.4) 4(7.3) 0.0904

aFor chest x ray, laterality was not reported in 34 patients. Chest x ray was not done in 5 patients.

bUnilateral was the presence of abnormalities in one lung;

cbilateral was presence of abnormalities in both lungs;

dmultifocal was abnormalities in multiple foci in same or both lungs. They are mutually exclusive.

eDescriptive variables, mutually exclusive

fCT scan was only done in 70 patients and laterality with or without multifocality was reported in all of them.

*p-value of <0.05

gAbbreviations: NA, non-applicable.