Table 4. Characteristics of studies that compared muscle damage between eccentric and concentric actions of low-load resistance exercise with blood flow restriction.
Reference | Sujects (Age) | Variables | Training protocol | Intensity | Traininig volume | Interval | Pressure | CW (cm) | Results | |||||
EX | MT | TS | Sets | Repetitions | CON+BFR (Time effect) | ECC+BFR (Time effect) | Condition effect | |||||||
Umbel et al. (2009) [29] (Experiment 2) | 8 men and 7 women (23±6 years) | MVC, DOMS, PPT, Edema. | KE KF |
Uni | 2s | 35% of MVC | 3 | Muscle failure | 90s | 1.3 x bSBP | 6 | DOMS ↑ (24,48h post) PPT ↔ MVC ↓ (24h post) Edema ↑ (24h post) |
DOMS ↑ (24,48h post) PPT ↔ MVC ↔ Edema ↑ (24h post) |
DOMS was greater 24 and 48 after CON + BFR; PPT and edema were not different between conditions; MVC was lower 24, 48h after CON + BFR. |
Thiebaud et al. (2013) [34] | 10 men (23±2 years) | MVC, Edema, ROM, DOMS. | AE AF |
Uni. | 1.5 |
30% of 1RM | 4 | 30x15x15x15 | 30s | 120 mmHg | 3 | MVC ↓ (Post) DOMS ↔ ROM ↓ (Post) Edema ↑ (Post) |
MVC ↓ (0h post) DOMS ↑ (24, 48h post) ROM ↓ (Post) Edema ↑ (Post) |
MVC was lower immediately after CON + BFR; DOMS was greater 24, 48, 72h after ECC + BFR; Edema was greater immediately after CON + BFR. ROM was no different between conditions. |
Hill et al. (2019) [41] | 25 women (21±1 years) | DOMS, PPT, Edema, ROM, MVC | AF AE |
Uni. | 120° s-1 | 30% of MVC |
4 | 30x15x15x15 | 30s | 40% of AOP | 3 | DOMS ↔ PPT↔ ROM↔ MVC↔ Edema ↔ |
DOMS ↔ PPT↔ ROM↔ MVC↔ Edema ↔ |
There were no differences in any of the variables analyzed between the conditions. |
EX = exercise; MT = mode of training; TS = training speed; CW = cuff width; BFR = blood flow restriction; ECC = eccentric; CON = concentric; MVC = maximum voluntary contraction; 1RM = 1 maximum repetition; KE = knee extension; KF = knee flexion; AF = arm flexion; AE = arm extension; bSBP = brachial systolic blood pressure; AOP = arterial occlusion pressure; mmHg = millimeters of mercury; DOMS = delayed onset muscle soreness; PPT = pain–pressure threshold; ROM = range of Motion.