Fig. 1. Breast cancer metastasis burden is lower in DMBA-treated PyMT mice.
(A) The time to tumor onset in DMBA-treated PyMT mice compared with olive oil–treated PyMT and DMBA-treated WT mice (log-rank test). (B) The survival rate of DMBA-treated PyMT mice compared with olive oil–treated PyMT and DMBA-treated WT mice (log-rank test). The survival rate was determined by the time point at which the animals’ largest primary tumor reached its terminal size. (C and D) Breast cancer metastasis burden in the lung of PyMT mice exposed to DMBA versus olive oil. (C) Representative images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained lung (arrows point to metastatic foci) and (D) the number of lung metastatic foci per mouse in each group (graph shows means + SD; Mann-Whitney U test). (E and F) Metastasis burden in the liver of DMBA- and olive oil–treated PyMT mice shown as (E) representative images of H&E-stained liver tissue (the arrow points to a metastatic focus) and (F) liver metastasis grades for PyMT-DMBA and PyMT–olive oil mice (Fisher’s exact test; liver metastasis grades are defined in fig. S2B). n = 8 in each PyMT group and n = 5 in WT group. Scale bars, 2 mm (lung) and 100 μm (liver).