Figure 4.
The effect of age on the cumulative live birth rate. (A) The CLBR of patients at different infertility diagnosis. The lowest CLBR in the <35 years group was other female factor (39.16%) while advanced age group was ovulatory dysfunction (23.14%). (B) The CLBR of patients grouped by the number the oocyte obtained. If further divided the data by the number of oocyte retrieval, in the women under 35 years old, the CLBR was 44.15% (2018/4571) if the obtained oocyte less than ten oocytes, which was significantly lower than 63.03% (5288/8390) in the women got more than ten oocytes. The CLBR rises as the number of oocytes retrieved increasing in the both cohort. (C) The CLBR of patients grouped by preliminary gonadotropin used. Most of the patients in the below 35 years group received FSH only as the preliminary gonadotropin (62.69%) and advanced age group administered with FSH + HMG (64.96%). However, the highest CLBR was archived from FSH as the preliminary gonadotropin in both group. (D) The CLBR of patients grouped by the protocol of COH. If divided the data by hyper-ovulation protocol, the CLBR was highest from the long protocol (<35 years: 58.56%; ≥35 years: 37.75%) and lowest from the short protocol in both age group (<35 years: 47.82%; ≥35 years: 20.45%). CLBR: Cumulative live birth rate; COH: Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation; FSH: Follicle-stimulating hormone; HMG: Human menopausal gonadotropin.