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. 2021 Jun 4;12:664557. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.664557

Table 1.

Morphogenetic pathways involved in endoderm induction and specification of thyroid primordium.

Signaling Pathwav Gene Experimental condition Endoderm and/or Thyroid phenotypes References
Nodal oep Mutant fish line (oeptz57) Failure of mesendodermal cells commitment, loss of endoderm specification, absence of thyroid primordium (59, 60)
cyc Mutant fish line (cycm294) Incomplete development of pharyngeal endoderm, reduced number of functional thyroid follicles (59, 61)
cyc, hhex Mutant fish line (cycmb16) Absence specification of thyroid primordium, no functional thyroid follicles (59, 63)
sox32 Mutant fish line (casta56) Lack of endodermal precursors (59, 63)
bon Mutant fish line (bons9) Reduced number of endodermal precursors, absence of gut tube (59, 63)
gata5 Mutant fish line (faus26) Reduced number of endodermal precursors (57, 59)
tgf-β LY364947 and SB505124 inhibitors Alteration of anterior endoderm, slight reduction of thyroid progenitors (9)
Notch notch-NICD Conditional KI fish line [late somitogenesis] Reduced thyroid primordium specification, low number of functional follicles (77)
mib Mutant fish line (Mibta52b) Increased thyroid primordium specification, increased number of functional follicles (77)
jagla, jalb Morphilino-mediated KD, Mutant fish line (jag1bb1005) Jagla: reduced proliferation of differentiated follicles; jaglb: reduced thyroid promordium specification (77)
γ-secretase DAPT inhibitor [gastrula] Increased thyroid primordium specification, increase number of functional follicles (77)
γ-secretase LY411575, RO4929097 inhibitors [gastrula, somitogenesis] No significant abnormality detected (9)
Sonic Hedgehog shh Morpholino-mediated KD Abnormal thyroid migration (8)
glis3 Morpholino-mediated KD Reduced thyroid primordium specification, low number of functional follicles (83)
ptch1 Cyclopamine inhibitor [gastrula] Reduced thyroid primordium specification (83)
ptch1 Cyclopamine inhibitor [gastrula, somitogenesis] Slight impairment of follicle migration (9)
smo Purmophamine, SAG inhibitors [gastrula, somitogenesis] No significant abnormality deteted (9)
FGF fgf8 Morpholino-mediated KD, Mutant fish line (aceti282a) Increased number of endodermal precursors, reduced expression of TTFs, loss of functional follicles (56, 93)
hand2 Mutant fish lines (hans6, hanc99) Reduced or absent expression of thyroid markers, loss of fuctional follicles (93, 94)
fgfr 1 SU5402, PD166866 inhibitor [gastrula, somitogenesis] Gastrula: increased thyroid primordium specification; somitogenesis: no thyroid primordium specification (9)
fgfr 1 PD166866 inhibitor [early, middle, and late somitogenesis] No significant changes detected in TTFs expression (16)
fgfr 1 Conditonal KI fish line [early, middle, and late somitogenesis] Middle/late: increment of thyroid progenitors that express pax2a (16)
BMP bmp2b mRNA injection No consequence of number of endoderm precursors (98)
bmp2b, bmp4, bmp7 mRNA injection Reduction of endodermal precursors number (56)
noggin mRNA injection Slight increase of endodermal precursors number (56)
alk2, and alk1-3 and 6 DMH1, LDN193189 inhibitors [gastrula, somitogenesis] Gastrula: altered specification of thyroid bud; somitogenesis: no thyroid primordium specification (9)
alk2 DMH1 inhibitor [early, middle, and late somitogenesis] Early: absence of thyroid progenitors; middle: mild reduction of TFFs expression; late dramatic reduction of TFFs in thyroid primordium: (16)
bmp2b Conditional KI fish line [early, middle, and late somitogenesis] Early: increment of nkx2.4b+ precursors and thyroid enlargement that abnormally elongate along the AP axis; middle/late: enlargement of the pax2a+ thyroid precursor population and premature expression of nkx2.4b (16)
Wnt gsk3a and gsk3β BIO and AZA activators [gastrula, somitogenesis, thyroid anlage, folliculogenesis] Gastrula/somitogenesis: severe alteration of endoderm specification; thyroid anlage/folliculogenesis: reduction of thyroid primordium (9, 15)
FGF + BMP fgf8, fgf17b, fgf24, and nogging Morpholino-mediated KD (for FGF) and mRNA injection (for BMP) Massive increment of endodermal precursors population (56)

For each signaling pathway, the gene (in italics), the experimental condition used to generate the zebrafish model, the associated endoderm and/or thyroid phenotype, and the corresponding references are reported. When available, the developmental stage selected to start the treatment with inhibitors are also reported in the squared parenthesis. AP axis, antero-posterior axis; KD, knockdown; KI, knockin; NICD, Notch Intracellular domain; TTFs, thyroid transcription factors.