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. 2021 Jun 8;67:102473. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2021.102473

Table 2.

Initial IVF outcomes according to TAI positivity in Low and High Normal TSH subgroups.

TSH <2.5
TSH <4.5
TAI Positive Total (%) p value TAI Positive Total (% of cycles) p value
Endometrium (n = 909) 9.77 ±5.60 9.67 ±5.57 NS 9.47 ±4.68 9.70 ±6.05 NS
Oocytes Retrieved (n = 930) NS NS
 0 - 4 42 24.3% 173 26.9% 60 26.4% 227 24.4%
 5 - 9 56 27.1% 207 32.2% 79 27.8% 284 30.5%
 ≥ 10 64 24.3% 263 40.9% 107 25.5% 419 45.1%
MII (n = 907) NS NS
 0–25% 6 37.5% 16 2.5% 12 41.4% 29 3.2%
 25%–50% 15 22.1% 68 10.8% 23 22.1% 104 11.5%
 50%–75% 88 28.8% 306 48.7% 133 28.5% 466 51.4%
 75%–100% 47 20.0% 235 37.4% 70 22.7% 308 34.0%
Fertilization Rate (n = 865) NS NS
 0–25% 30 23.6% 127 21.2% 51 27.6% 185 21.4%
 25%–50% 57 25.3% 225 37.6% 88 25.0% 352 40.7%
 50%–75% 46 27.5% 167 27.9% 69 29.5% 234 27.1%
 75%–100% 15 18.8% 80 13.4% 17 18.1% 94 10.9%
Transferred embryos (n = 866) NS NS
 0 9 32.1% 28 4.7% 12 34.3% 35 4.0%
 1 22 27.5% 80 13.3% 37 32.7% 113 13.0%
 2 20 17.7% 113 18.8% 29 19.0% 153 17.7%
 3 19 19.8% 96 16.0% 31 22.5% 138 15.9%
 ≥ 4 78 27.6% 283 47.2% 116 27.2% 427 49.3%

NS: non-significant.