Figure 5. Predictive Model for the Generation of the Igκ Repertoire.
(A) The Vκ RSSs are divided into four quartiles based on published use data in splenic B cells (Aoki-Ota et al., 2012). RIC score and probablility of deletion are calculated for each classified RSS. Boxplot summary (left) and distribution (right) of the Vκ gene segment use (top), RIC score (middle), and probability of deletion/persistence (gray/red, respectively) (bottom) are shown (for calculations see STAR Methods). NS, p = 0.16; *p = 0.006; t test.
(B) Pearson correlation coefficient between Vκ use against RIC score and combined RIC score and probability of deletion.
(C) Schematic model displaying competition between intra-Vκ cluster rearrangement and Vκ-Jκ rearrangement. Intra-Vκ cluster rearrangement results in the deletion of various Vκ gene segments, which allows for diverse V-Jκ rearrangements to fine tune the Vκ gene repertoire. See also Figure S4.