(a) TONIX 3D technical drawing, front side view. The schematics of the beam splitting and the MCP mounts are also displayed. A ruler is plotted on the right side to display the TONIX size. The green arrow represents the electric field vector
of the incoming x-ray pulse, and θ is the angular deviation from the vertical or horizontal axis. (b) Nb mirror s- and p-polarization reflectivity and extinction ratio at a fixed angle of incidence of 42° in the range 60–75 eV, corresponding to the M2,3 edge in Ni. (c) Scheme of the time-resolved experiment setup at the MagneDyn beamline at FERMI FEL (Trieste, Italy). The angles of incidence of the FEL probe and of the laser pump are, respectively, 45° and 43.5°. The pump laser photon energy is 1.56 eV (794 nm). The FEL and the laser spot sizes are approximately 100 μm in sigma, but be reduced down to 15 μm.22 The laser pump fluence ranges from 0.15 to 63 mJ/cm2.