Figure 3.
Proportional reporting ratios (PRR) of Xtampza ER NMU routes of administration versus routes of administration reported for NMU of comparator oxycodone groups (7/1/2016 – 12/31/2019). PRR <1.0 indicates the ratio of the comparator group was higher than that of Xtampza ER.
Notes: *Alternate routes include chewed then swallowed, dissolved in mouth like a cough drop, dissolved in liquid and drank, snorted, smoked, injected and “Other” ROA. ᵻNon-oral routes include snorting, smoking, and injecting. ¥Oral routes include swallowing whole, chewing then swallowing, dissolving in mouth like a cough drop, and dissolving in liquid then drinking. Italicized PRR values indicate statistical significance (confidence intervals did not include 1.0).
Abbreviations: PRR, proportional reporting ratio; CI, confidence interval; ER, extended-release; IR, immediate-release; NMU, nonmedical use.