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. 2021 Jun 15;14:1773–1783. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S304805

Table 2.

Patient Demographics and Characteristics

Past 30-Day Xtampza ER NMU (n = 73; 0.2%) Past 30-Day Other Oxycodone ER NMU (n = 3802; 9.0%) Past 30-Day Oxycodone IR NMU (n = 14,579; 34.5%) Xtampza ER versus Other Oxycodone ER Xtampza ER versus Oxycodone IR
Response n % n % n % p-value*** p-value***
Gender Male 33 45.2 1955 51.4 7380 50.6 0.29 0.36
Female 40 54.8 1847 48.6 7197 49.4
Unknown/no response 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0
Age 18–24 years 8 11.0 605 15.9 2152 14.8 0.09 0.05
25–34 years 28 38.4 1599 42.1 6519 44.7
35–44 years 19 26.0 990 26.0 3693 25.3
45–54 years 16 21.9 421 11.1 1525 10.5
55 + years 2 2.7 187 4.9 690 4.7
Race Caucasian 57 78.1 2886 75.9 10,907 74.8 0.63 0.41
African American 4 5.5 381 10.0 1695 11.6
American Indian/Alaskan Native 3 4.1 92 2.4 319 2.2
Asian 0 0.0 8 0.2 27 0.2
Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Hispanic/Latino 6 8.2 283 7.4 1065 7.3
Other Race 3 4.1 152 4.0 566 3.9
Unknown/no response 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Marital status Married 14 19.2 824 21.7 3329 22.8 0.82 0.72
Separated, divorced, widowed 19 26.0 907 23.9 3418 23.4
Never married 37 50.7 2049 53.9 7741 53.1
Unknown/no response 3 4.1 22 0.6 91 0.6
Employment Professional 5 6.9 225 5.9 881 6.0 0.93 0.94
Administrative, clerical, sales 9 12.3 444 11.7 1736 11.9
Skilled or semi-skilled 23 31.5 1523 40.1 5814 39.9
Student 2 2.7 57 1.5 248 1.7
Homemaker 7 9.6 312 8.2 1228 8.4
Other manual/unskilled 10 13.7 441 11.6 1661 11.4
Did not work for pay last 3 years 3 4.1 202 5.3 735 5.0
Disabled 7 9.6 277 7.3 1070 7.3
No occupation 6 8.2 299 7.9 1120 7.7
Unknown/no response 1 1.4 22 0.6 86 0.6
Treatment Modality Residential/Inpatient 46 63.0 2208 58.1 8041 55.2 0.25 0.15
Outpatient/Non-Methadone 18 24.7 844 22.2 3664 25.1
Methadone 7 9.6 268 7.1 888 6.1
Drug Court 0 0.0 57 1.5 255 1.8
Probation/Parole 0 0.0 45 1.2 185 1.3
DUI/DWI 0 0.0 30 0.8 201 1.4
Other Corrections 0 0.0 20 0.5 95 0.7
Temporary Assistance for Needy 0 0.0 8 0.2 90 0.6
Families (Welfare)
Other 2 2.7 322 8.5 1160 8.0
Current pain problem Yes 52 71.2 2289 60.2 8123 55.7 0.04 0.005
No 20 27.4 1509 39.7 6432 44.1
Unknown/no response 1 1.4 4 0.1 24 0.2
Criminal justice* Yes 23 31.5 888 23.4 3557 24.4 0.07 0.11
No 47 64.4 2894 76.1 10,949 75.1
Unknown/no response 3 4.1 20 0.5 73 0.5
Past 30-day marijuana use Yes 37 50.7 1901 50.0 6915 47.4 0.86 0.54
No 36 49.3 1901 50.0 7664 52.6
Past 30-day illicit drug use (other than marijuana)** Yes 58 79.5 2631 69.2 9199 63.1 0.06 0.004
No 15 20.6 1171 30.8 5380 36.9
Past 30-day heroin use Yes 28 38.4 1604 42.2 5174 35.5 0.50 0.62
No 45 61.6 2189 57.6 9405 64.3
Lifetime heroin use Yes 44 60.3 2324 61.1 7824 53.7 0.87 0.27
No 29 39.7 1471 38.7 6728 46.2
Unknown/no response 0 0.0 7 0.2 27 0.2
Lifetime injection of any drug Yes 34 46.6 1986 52.2 6620 45.4 0.34 0.84
No 39 53.4 1816 47.8 7959 54.6
Drug severity score No real problem/slight problem 2 2.7 216 5.7 1210 8.3 0.55 0.38
Moderate/considerable problem 28 38.4 1352 35.6 5896 40.4
Extreme problem 32 43.8 1998 52.6 6637 45.5
Unknown/no response 11 15.1 236 6.2 836 5.7
Medical severity score No real problem/slight problem 19 26.0 1478 38.9 6362 43.6 0.02 0.002
Moderate/considerable problem 51 69.9 2123 55.8 7522 51.6
Extreme problem 0 0.0 105 2.8 349 2.4
Unknown/no response 3 4.1 96 2.5 346 2.4
Family severity score No real problem/slight problem 31 42.5 1717 45.2 7214 49.5 0.14 0.02
Moderate/considerable problem 22 30.1 1578 41.5 5724 39.3
Extreme problem 14 19.2 364 9.6 1106 7.6
Unknown/no response 6 8.2 143 3.8 535 3.7
Employment severity score No real problem/slight problem 26 35.6 1712 45.0 7331 50.3 0.03 0.001
Moderate/considerable problem 33 45.2 1654 43.5 5785 39.7
Extreme problem 11 15.1 296 7.8 936 6.4
Unknown/no response 3 4.1 140 3.7 527 3.6

Notes: *Admission to substance abuse treatment was required or encouraged of the respondent by a judge, probation or parole officer, or other criminal justice official. **Illicit drugs include heroin, cocaine, illicit amphetamines/methamphetamines, hallucinogens, inhalants, ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, K2, rohypnol, bath salts, and street fentanyl. ***Unknown/no responses categories (ie, missing data) were excluded from statistical testing. Due to low cell size (n<5), the fishers exact test was run in place of the chi-square test for age, race, and treatment modality. The categories for employment and treatment modality were collapsed prior to running statistical testing. Employment categories included professional/administrative, clerical or sales; skilled, semi-skilled, other manual; homemaker; disabled; no occupation; and other (includes the remaining categories with cell counts of n<5). Treatment modality categories included residential/inpatient, outpatient/non-methadone, corrections (drug court, probation/parole, DUI/DWI, other corrections); and other (methadone, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and other).

Abbreviations: ER, extended-release; IR, immediate-release; NMU, nonmedical use.