(A) Embryonic endothelial cell transcriptional programs. For each topic, topic scores for top ranked genes (left) and t-SNE of single cell profiles colored by topic’s weight per cell (right). (B) LV ChP immunostained with PECAM1, ACTA2 and VWF, marking the arterial (ACTA2+) and venous (ACTA2-, VWF+) vessels. (C) Angiogenic zonation. Top: LV ChP immunostained with PECAM1 and ESM1 (green). Middle: Dotted line: LV ChP free margin. Double headed arrows: A/P and D/V axes. Bottom: ESM1, PECAM1 and Hoechst. (D) UMAP of single endothelial nucleus profiles (dots) colored by age (top), endothelial subtype score (bottom). (E) LV ChP immunostained as in (B) reveal arterio-venous organization in adult. Dotted line: region of interest as inset. (F) Aged LV ChP immunostained as in (B,E). Arrowheads: VWF accumulation in vessels. Dotted line: region of interest as inset. Inset: elevated VWF expression. (G) UMAP (as in D), colored by log2(TP10K+1) expression of genes Vwf and Selp. (H) Subset of aged vessels express VWF and SELP. (I) Distribution of Cldn5 expression across ages. (J) Embryonic LV ChP immunostained with CLDN5 and PECAM1. Dotted line: brain-ChP border. Bottom: Vessel at position ‘a’. (K) Adult LV ChP immunostained with CLDN5 and PECAM1. Arrowhead: CLDN5+ vessel at base of ChP. Dotted line: region enlarged on right. See also Figure S6.