FIG. 7.
Generalizability: effect of regularization (τ) on identification rates for REST2. Identification rates for the two sessions (LR and RL) from REST2 (utilizing maximum available scanning length) with variable magnitudes of τ, using Destrieux (left; 164 ROIs) and MMP1.0 (right; 374 ROIs) parcellations. Filled circles indicate the mean identification rate, whereas error bars indicate the standard error of the mean across samplings with replacement (error bars are small enough that they are hidden behind the circles). Legend indicates the REST2 condition along with maximum available number of frames. Along each curve, the circle not filled indicates the optimal value of τ, which maximizes the identification rate. The insets in both plots are the scatter plots between REST1 and REST2 of the mean identification rates (across samplings) for the entire range of τ. Both x- and y-axes indicate identification rates and the dotted line is identity line. LR, left to right; REST, resting-state; RL, right to left. Color images are available online.