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. 2021 Jun 21;14(3):515–536. doi: 10.1007/s41811-021-00113-x

Table 2.

Bivariate correlations between variables of interest (N = 457)

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. MD-Sx ---
2. AS-Phys .51*** ---
3. IUS- 12 .53*** .47*** ---
4. SHAI .50*** .60*** .51*** ---
5. PAQ .41*** .35*** .30*** .31*** ---
6. DASS-D .68*** .43*** .58*** .48*** .33*** ---
7. DASS-A .71*** .55*** .56*** .51*** .48*** .64*** ---
8. DASS-S .64*** .41*** .58*** .47*** .41*** .70*** .73*** ---
9. CSBC .15** .11** .09 .12* .12* .08 .17*** .13*** ---
10. MUQ .40*** .49*** .28*** .54*** .26*** .27*** .47*** .38*** .17*** ---
11. CFI .35*** .38*** .43*** .45*** .26*** .37*** .43*** .44*** .38*** .36*** ---

Note: MD-Sx Mental Distress Symptoms, AS-Phys physical concerns of Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, IUS-12 Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12, SHAI Short Health Anxiety Index, PAQ Panic Attack Questionnaire-IV, DASS-Dep Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21-item version depression subscale, DASS-Anx Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21-item version anxiety subscale, DASS-Stress Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21-item version stress subscale, CSBC COVID-19 Safety Behaviours Checklist, MUQ Medical Utilization Questionnaire, CFI COVID-19 Fear Index

***p<.000. **p<.01. *p<.05