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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Environ Res. 2021 Apr 20;197:111165. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111165

Table 1:

Characteristics of 515 eligible mother-infant pairs in the Healthy Start Study.

Characteristic Mean ± SD, Median (IQR), or N (%)
Maternal age at delivery (years) 27.6 ± 6.2
Pre-pregnancy body mass index (kg/m2) 25.9 ± 6.5
 Hispanic 128 (25)
 Non-Hispanic white 273 (53)
 Non-Hispanic black 79 (15)
 All others 35 (7)
Maternal smoking during pregnancy (any) 49 (10)
Median annual income in the Census tract (per $1,000) 64.1 ± 26.7
Maternal education completed
 Less than 12th grade 79 (15)
 High school degree or GED 95 (18)
 Some college or Associate’s degree 106 (21)
 Four years of college (BA, BS) 115 (22)
 Graduate degree (Master’s, Ph.D.) 120 (23)
Season of conception
 Winter 163 (32)
 Spring 97 (19)
 Summer 90 (18)
 Fall 165 (32)
Mode of delivery= Caesarean 110 (21)
Previous pregnancy 323 (63)
Season of birth
 Winter 109 (21)
 Spring 136 (26)
 Summer 148 (29)
 Fall 122 (24)
Infant sex = male 276 (54)
Gestational age at sample collection (days) 191 ± 17
Gestational age at birth (days) 276 ± 9
Age at follow-up visit (months) a 5.1 ± 1.2
Average PM2.5 (μg/m3) a
 Prior 30 days from sample collection 7.13 (6.08-8.26)
 Prior 7 days from sample collection 6.92 (5.53-8.61)
 Trimester 1 7.52 (6.89-8.14)
 Trimester 2 7.39 (6.78-8.09)
 Trimester 3 7.48 (6.84-8.29)
 Full Pregnancy 7.51 (7.13-7.86)
 Prior 30 days to delivery 7.24 (6.33-8.42)
 Prior 7 days to delivery 6.73 (5.58-8.20)
Average 8-hr max O3 (ppb)
 Prior 30 days to sample collection 45.1 (32.7-54.2)
 Prior 7 days to sample collection 44.1 (33.4-54.6)
 Trimester 1 42.1 (33.8-53.7)
 Trimester 2 42.6 (33.9-52.3)
 Trimester 3 46.1 (35.0-54.6)
 Full Pregnancy 44.0 (40.9-47.1)
 Prior 30 days to delivery 48.0 (34.1-55.9)
 Prior 7 days to delivery 47.0 (35.4-55.3)
Birth weight (g) 3275 ± 427
Fat mass at birth (g) a 285.3 ± 143.1
Fat free mass at birth (g) a 2843.4 ± 333.9
Adiposity at birth (%) a 8.9 ± 3.8
Fat mass at postnatal follow-up visit (g) a 1708.6 ± 526.8
Fat free mass at postnatal follow-up visit (g) a 5167 ± 643.4
Adiposity at postnatal follow-up visit (%) a 24.5 ± 5.6

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; PM2.5, particulate matter with diameter ≤ 2.5 micrometers; O3, average 8-hour maximum ozone concentration in parts per billion.


Missing data for the following variables (n=number missing): age at postnatal follow-up, n=181; average PM2.5 Prior 30 days to sample collection, n=31; average PM2.5 Prior 7 days to sample collection, n=30; average PM2.5 Trimester 1, n=46; average PM2.5 Trimester 2, n=44; average PM2.5 Trimester 3, n=17; average PM2.5 Prior 30 days to delivery, n=31; average PM2.5 Prior 7 days to delivery, n=32; average PM2.5 Full pregnancy, n=4; fat mass at birth, n=18; fat free mass at birth, n=18; adiposity at birth, n=18; fat mass at poshiatal follow-up, n=181; fat free mass at postnatal follow-up, n=181; adiposity at postnatal follow-up, n=181.