Initial access decision |
Would you walk me through how the decision was made to use that type of access as your first access? |
Please tell me about anyone in particular that supported you during the decision-making process? |
Weighing options |
Looking back, would you describe how you weighed the pros and cons of your options? |
What are your preferences about the location of the access (where it is on your body)? |
Information sources |
Where did you get information about your access options? |
Please describe anything that you remember in particular about the content of that information? |
Decision-making preferences |
When it comes to making decisions about your health in general, how much do you want to be involved in the decision-making process? |
Could you tell me about any people in your life that help you to make decisions about your health? |
Experiences with providers |
In general, as a dialysis patient, you interact with a lot of health care providers, such as nurses, doctors, aides and technicians. Could you describe any interactions or relationships with health care providers that stand out to you? |
What would you change about the interactions that you have had with health care providers? |
Relationship between dialysis and VA |
When you think about dialysis, how does the dialysis itself and the access relate? |
If you were to explain to someone else how dialysis and access are related, how would you describe it? |