Figure 7.
Two eukaryotic 3′ UTR structures. Two structures were found in metabolic genes, which led to us hypothesize that they were eukaryotic riboswitches. These are (A) a 3′ UTR structure in GLY1, which encodes a threonine aldolase that converts l-threonine to glycine (B) a 3′ UTR structure in MET13, which encodes methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, a crucial enzyme in both the folate and methionine cycles. (C) RNA-seq data from NCBI Short Read Archive ( accession SRX9766847 was aligned to the S. cerevisiae S288C genome using RNA STAR under default settings. Here, the reads aligned to the structure (highlighted in yellow) suggest that it is located in the 3′ UTR of GLY1. (D) RNA-seq data from SRX6491142 was aligned to the C. albicans genome using RNA STAR under default settings. Here, the reads aligned to the structure suggest that it is located in the 3′ UTR of MET13. Genome tracks were viewed using IGB (74).