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. 2021 May 26;49(11):6489–6510. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab414

Table 1.

X-ray data collection and refinement statistics

Data collection*
Space group C2
Unit cell
 Dimensions a, b, c (Å) 149.9, 63.3, 113.1
 Angles αβγ (°) 90.0, 106.8, 90.0
Wavelength (Å) 0.9786
Resolution range (Å) 71.7–3.30 (3.39–3.30)
R sym (%) 6.6 (150.5)
Completeness (%) 99.6 (99.6)
Mean I / σ(I) 11.8 (0.8)
CC Inline graphic (%) 99.9 (29.0)
Unique reflections 15515 (1174)
Multiplicity 3.4 (3.4)
R work (%) 24.8
R free (%) 27.6
Number of atoms
 All atoms 6233
 Protein 6231
 Ligands 2
Average B factor (Å2)
 All atoms 149.1
 Protein 149.1
 Ligands 139.5
Ramachandran plot
 Favored regions, % 94.4
 Disallowed regions, % 0.0
RMSD from ideal geometry
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.003
 Bond angles (°) 0.502

*Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell.