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. 2021 Jun 21;10:e66143. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66143

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Antibody Anti-tRFP (rabbit polyclonal) Evrogen RRID:AB_2571743 IF(1:200)
Antibody Anti-GFP (chicken polyclonal) AvesLab RRID:AB_10000240 IF(1:800)
Antibody Anti-N-cadherin (rabbit polyclonal) Abcam RRID:AB_444317 IF(1:250)
Antibody Anti-p-myosin (rabbit polyclonal) Abcam RRID:AB_303094 IF(1:200)
Antibody Anti-Desmin (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma RRID:AB_476910 IF(1:100)
Antibody Anti-α-catenin epitope α-18 (rat monoclonal) Gift from Prof. Akira Nagafuchi IF(1:300)
Antibody Anti-Alcama (mouse monoclonal) DSHB RRID:AB_531904 IF(1:50)
Antibody Alexa Fluor 488 Goat anti Chicken IgG (H + L) Thermo Fisher Scientific RRID:AB_142924 IF(1:500)
Antibody Alexa Fluor 647 Goat anti Rabbit IgG (H + L) Thermo Fisher Scientific RRID:AB_141663 IF(1:500)
Antibody Alexa Fluor 647 Goat anti Rat IgG (H + L) Thermo Fisher Scientific RRID:AB_141778 IF(1:500)
Antibody Alexa Fluor 568 Goat anti Rabbit IgG (H + L) Thermo Fisher Scientific RRID:AB_2534123 IF(1:500)
Antibody Alexa Fluor 568 Goat anti Rat IgG (H + L) Thermo Fisher Scientific RRID:AB_2534121 IF(1:500)
Chemical compound, drug Agarose, low gelling temperature Sigma Cat# A9414-25g
Chemical compound, drug Bovine serum albumin Sigma Cat# A-9418
Chemical compound, drug Chloroform Merck Cat# 102445
Other DAPI Sigma Cat# D954 (1 µg/mL)
Chemical compound, drug Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Sigma Cat# D8418
Chemical compound, drug DMEM(1X)+Glutamax Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 31966-021
Chemical compound, drug DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# F416S
Chemical compound, drug Ethanol, undenatured, absolute Serva Cat# 11093.01
Chemical compound, drug FBS superior Biochrom Cat# S0615
Chemical compound, drug Glycine Sigma Cat# 50046
Chemical compound, drug 2-Propanol Roth Cat# 6752.4
Chemical compound, drug Lipofectamine 3000 Transfection Reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific L3000001
Chemical compound, drug Methanol Roth Cat# 4627.5
Chemical compound, drug Normal Goat Serum Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 16210072
Chemical compound, drug Paraformaldehyde Sigma Cat# P6148
Chemical compound, drug Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) Sigma Cat# P4417
Recombinant DNA reagent pT3TS-nCas9n (plasmid) Addgene Cat# 46757
Recombinant DNA reagent pCS2z vector (plasmid) Addgene Cat# 62214
Recombinant DNA reagent pCMV-Tol2 (plasmid) Addgene Cat# 31823
Recombinant DNA reagent pGl4.14-luc; SV40:hRLuc (plasmid) Bensimon-Brito et al., 2020
Chemical compound, drug Sodium citrate monobasic Sigma Cat# 71497-1KG
Chemical compound, drug Triton X-100 Sigma Cat# X-100
Chemical compound, drug TRIzol Reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15596026
Chemical compound, drug Tween 20 Sigma Cat# P1379
Commercial assay or kit Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System Promega Cat# E1910
Commercial assay or kit In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein Roche 11684795910
Commercial assay or kit Maxima First Strand cDNA kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# K1641
Commercial assay or kit MegaShortScript T7 Transcription Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# AM1354
Commercial assay or kit MegaScript T3 Transcription Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# AM1348
Commercial assay or kit mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Transcription Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# AM1344
Commercial assay or kit mMESSAGE mMACHINE T3 Transcription Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# AM1348
Commercial assay or kit RNA Clean and Concentrator Kit Zymo Research Cat# R1013
Cell line (Homo sapiens) HEK-293T ATCC Cat# CRL-3216 RRID:CVCL_0063
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(myl7:BFP- CAAX)bns193 Guerra et al., 2018 ZFIN:bns193
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(myl7:H2B-EGFP)zf521Tg Mickoleit et al., 2014 ZFIN:zf521Tg
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(myl7:mVenus-gmnn)ncv43Tg Jiménez-Amilburu et al., 2016 ZFIN:ncv43Tg
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(−0.2myl7:snai1b-p2a-GFP) bns555 This paper ZFIN:bns555
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(−0.2myl7:EGFP-podocalyxin) bns10 Jiménez-Amilburu et al., 2016 ZFIN:bns10
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(fli1a:Gal4)ubs4 Zygmunt et al., 2011 ZFIN:ubs4
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(UAS:snai1b-p2a-GFP) bns442 This paper ZFIN:bns442
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) Tg(myl7:EGFP-Hsa.HRAS)s883Tg D'Amico et al., 2007 ZFIN:s883Tg
Strain, strain background (Danio rerio) snai1bbn351 mutant This paper ZFIN:bns351
Sequence-based reagent qPCR This paper Table S1
Sequence-based reagent Genotyping This paper Table S1
Sequence-based reagent PCR This paper Table S1
Software, algorithm FiJi ImageJ 1.53 c Schindelin et al., 2012 RRID:SCR_002285
Software, algorithm GraphPad Prism 6 GraphPad RRID:SCR_002798
Software, algorithm Imaris, version 8.4.0 Bitplane RRID:SCR_007370
Software, algorithm Zen Digital Imaging Carl Zeiss Microscopy RRID:SCR_013672