(A) Magnesium determination in serum and (B) hepatic levels of CNNM1-4 mRNA in different cohorts of healthy individuals, patients with steatosis and patients with NASH. (C) Levels of Cnnm1-4 mRNA in primary hepatocytes stimulated with MCD medium. (D) Liver immunohistochemical staining and quantification for CNNM4 in a cohort of healthy individuals, patients with steatosis and patients with NASH, as well as mice fed (E) a 0.1% MCDD or (F) a CD-HFD. Scale bar corresponds to 100 μm. *p <0.05, ***p <0.001, and ****p <0.0001 vs. healthy/ctrl/SC diet. CD-HFD, choline-deficient high-fat diet; MCD, methionine and choline deficient; MCDD, MCD diet; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; SC diet, regular diet.