Fig. 5. DAPK1 KO reverses TBI-induced behavioral impairments in mice.
A, B. Mice were subjected to the elevated plus maze test (n= 7-9), and the time spent in the four arms was measured and quantified. C, D. T maze tests were performed to measure spatial working memory at 3.5 months (n= 10-11) and 5 months after TBI (n= 8-11). The behavior results regarding spatial working memory were quantified as a ratio of percentage alternations. E, F. Y maze spontaneous alternation tests were performed to measure spatial leaning and working memory at 3.5 months (n= 8-10) and 5 months (n= 10-15) after TBI. The Y maze behavior results were quantified as a ratio of percentage alternations. The p-values of all the representative data were calculated using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. All the results shown are the mean ± SEM (***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05). NS, no significance.