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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jun 15.
Published in final edited form as: Neuropharmacology. 2021 Apr 13;191:108567. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2021.108567

Table 2:

Summary of studies examining the effect of OT agonists and antagonists on drug reward measured by either CPP or SA.

Ref Species Sex Treatment Route Dose Measure Result
Leong et al., 2016 Sprague Dawley rats Female OT i.p. 0.1–3 mg/kg SA
Cocaine (0.15 mg/inf)
↓ intake
Baracz et al., 2012 Sprague Dawley rats Male OT 1) i.p.
2) intra-NAc
3) intra-STh
1) 0.6 mg/kg
2) 0.6 ng
3) 0.6 ng
Methamphetamine (1 mg/kg)
1) ↓ acquisition
2) ↓ acquisition
3) ↓ acquisition
Qi et al., 2009 Swiss mice Male 1) OT alone
2) OT+ atosiban (OT antag)
1) i.c.v.
2) i.c.v + i.c.v.
1) 0.1–2.5 μg
2) 2.5 μg + 2 μg
Methamphetamine (2 mg/kg)
1) ↓ acquisition
2) ↓ OT effect on acquisition
Cox et al., 2017 Sprague Dawley rats Male and female 1) OT
2) OT
3) OT + OXA (OT antag)
1) intra-NAc
2) i.p.
3) i.p. + intra-NAc
1) 0.6 ug
2) 1 mg/kg
3) 1 mg/kg + 2 μg
Methamphetamine (17.5 or 20 μg/inf) economic demand
1) ↑ elasticity (α)
2) ↑ elasticity (α)
3) ↓ OT effect on elasticity
Cox et al., 2013 Long Evans rats Male and female OT i.p. 0.3 or 1 mg/kg SA
Methamphetamine (17.5 or 20 μg/inf)
↓ PR breakpoint (females only)
Carson et al., 2010 Sprague Dawley rats Male OT i.p. 0.001–1 mg/kg SA
Methamphetamine (0.1 mg/kg/inf)
Lee et al., 2019 Sprague Dawley rat Male OT i.p. 0.1–2 mg/kg SA
Methylphenidate (0.01–0.1 mg/kg/inf)
Moaddab et al., 2015 Wistar rats Male 1) OT
2) OTA (OT antag)
3) OT
4) OT + OTA
1) i.c.v.
2) i.c.v.
3) intra-NAc
3) intra-NAc
1) 0.2
2) 0.75 μg
3) 10 ng
2) 10 + 37.5 ng
Morphine (5 mg/kg)
1) ↔ acquisition
2) ↔ acquisition
3) ↑ expression
4) ↓ OT effect on expression
Ibragimov et al., 1987 Sprague Dawley rats Male 1) OT
2) OT + ACME-OT (OT antag)
1) intra-NAc or intra-Hipp
2) intra-Hipp
1) 2 ng
2) 2 + 2 ng
Heroin (20 μg/inf) tolerance induced with IP injections
1) ↓intake
2) ↑intake
Kovács and Van Ree, 1985 Wistar rats Male 1) OT
2) OT1–8 (fragment)
3) OT4–8 (fragment)
4) OT7–9 (fragment)
s.c. 1 μg SA
Heroin (30 μg/inf) tolerance induced with IP injections
1) ↓ intake
2) ↓ intake
3) ↓ intake
4) ↔ intake
Kovács et al., 1985 CFY rats Male OT s.c. 0.05–5 Mg SA
Heroin (20 μg/inf) tolerance induced with IP injections
Van Ree and de Wied, 1977 Wistar rats Male 1) OT
2) tocinamide (OT frag)
3) PLG (OT frag)
s.c. 1) 1 μg
2) 1 μg
3) 1 μg
Heroin (31 μg/inf) only 2 days acq training
1) ↑ intake
2) ↔ intake
3) ↑ intake
Bahi, 2015 C56BL/6J mice Male carbetocin (OT analog) ip. 6.4 mg/kg CPP
Alcohol (2 g/kg)
Stevenson et al., 2017 Prairie voles Male and female OT ip. 1–10 mg/kg SA
Alcohol (15%) 2 bottle choice
Tunstall et al., 2019 Wistar rats Male 1) OT
2) OT
3) OT
4) PF-06655075 (OT agonist)
5) OT + L-371,257 (peripheral OT antag)
1) ip.
2) intranasal
3) i.c.v.
4) i.c.v
5) intranasal + i.p.
1) 0.125–1 mg/kg
2) 0.25–1 mg/kg
3) 3–30 μg
4) 30 μg
5) 1 mg/kg + 5 mg/kg
Alcohol (10%) lever pressing w/vapor exposure
1) ↓ intake
2) ↓ intake
3) ↓ intake
4) ↓ intake
5) ↔ OT effect
King et al., 2017 C57BL/6J mice Male 1) OT
2) OT + L-368,899 (OT antag)
1) ip.
2) i.p. + i.p.
1) 0.3–10 mg/kg
2) 1 + 10 mg/kg
Alcohol (20%) drink in dark or Alcohol (12%) lever pressing
1) ↓ intake
2) ↓ OT effect
Peters et al., 2017 Wistar rats Male OT i.c.v. 1 Mg SA
Alcohol (20%) 2 bottle choice
MacFadyen et al., 2016 Sprague Dawley rats Male OT ip. 0.05–0.5 mg/kg SA
Alcohol (10–15%) 3 bottle choice w/drink in dark or Alcohol (10% gel) lever pressing

Abbreviations: CPP=conditioned place preference; Hipp=hippocampus; i.c.v.=intracerebroventricular; i.p.=intraperitoneal; mPFC=medial prefrontal cortex; NAc=nucleus accumbens; OT=oxytocin; SA=self-administration; s.c.=subcutaneous; STh=subthalamic nucleus.