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. 2021 Jun 21;11:12984. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92503-6

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the enrolled patients.

Patients without extrahepatic recurrence (n = 304) Patients with extrahepatic recurrence (n = 94) p-value
Age (years) 59.11 ± 10.02 56.01 ± 10.45 0.010
Male (n, %) 259 (85.2) 85 (90.4) 0.196
Etiology of liver cirrhosis, n (%) 0.897




176 (63.1)/21 (7.5)

24 (8.6)/17 (6.1)

1 (0.4)/40(14.4)

56 (65.9)/6 (7.1)

10 (11.8)/4 (4.7)

0 (0.0)/9 (10.6)

ALP (U/L) 86.88 ± 28.21 99.25 ± 49.72 0.023
Albumin (mg/dL) 4.35 ± 0.48 4.13 ± 0.45  < 0.001
ALBI grade ≥ 2, n (%) 47 (15.5) 23 (24.7) 0.041
ICG R15 10.33 ± 7.62 10.99 ± 8.08 0.496
Preoperative serum AFP (IU/mL) 0.363

 ≤ 400

 > 400

235 (80.5%)

57 (19.5%)

70 (76.1%)

22 (23.9%)

Tumor size 4.18 ± 2.41 5.16 ± 3.69  < 0.001
Tumor numbers 1.26 ± 0.83 1.32 ± 0.79 0.525
BCLC stage, n (%) 0.045
0/A / ≥ B 34 (11.2)/234 (77.2)/35 (11.6) 6 (6.4)/68 (72.3)/20 (21.3)
Pathological mUICC stage, n (%) 0.012
I/II / ≥ III 43 (14.5)/183 (61.6)/71 (23.9) 7 (8.0)/49 (56.3)/31 (35.6)
Radiological mUICC stage, n (%) 0.001
I/II / ≥ III 48 (15.8)/205 (67.7)/50 (16.5) 10 (10.6)/59 (62.8)/212 (26.6)
Beyond Milan criteria, n (%) 75 (24.8) 45 (47.9)  < 0.001
Metastatic lymph nodes, n (%) 0 (0.0) 2 (2.1) 0.011
Macrovascular invasion, n (%) 6 (2.0) 8 (8.5) 0.003
mUICC T stage at 1st recurrence, n (%)  < 0.001


2 /3


0 (0.0)/81 (45.8)

67 (37.9)/25 (14.1)

4 (2.3)

6 (6.5)/19 (20.7)

32 (34.8)/22 (23.9)

13 (14.1)

Serum AFP at 1st recurrence 209.12 ± 1 098.83 1,225.05 ± 5 775.70 0.045
Hospital stay, days (median, range) 13 (5–69) 13 (4–60) 0.015
Time to first recurrence, months (median, range) 42.54 (0.16–157.91) 10.14 (0.23–100.34)  < 0.001
Follow-up duration, months (median, range) 75.21 (2–177) 38.93 (3–150) 0.857

Values are presented as mean ± SD.

SD standard deviation, HBV hepatitis B virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, AST aspartate transaminase, ALT alanine transaminase, ALP alkaline phosphatase, AFP alpha-fetoprotein, BCLC Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer, mUICC modified Union for International Cancer Control.

*Patients with suppressed HBV DNA (HBV DNA < 200 IU/mL)42 at pre-operative state had lower rates of EHR (11.1% vs. 28.8%, p = 0.047).