Table 2.
Correlations between pretreatment CBCL-Irritability and other clinical variables
CBCL-Irritability | |
Psychiatric symptoms | |
CDRS | .25* |
CBCL-Defiance | .60** |
MASC | .07 |
OCD characteristics | |
CY-BOCS | .07 |
OBQ-CV: Perfectionism/Certainty | <−.01 |
OBQ-CV: Responsibility/Threat | −.17 |
OBQ-CV: Importance/Control | −.05 |
CY-BOCS: Harm | −.05 |
CYBOCS: Symmetry | .06 |
CY-BOCS: Contamination | .02 |
CY-BOCS: Sexual/Religious | −.02 |
Individual and family functioning | |
FAS | .23* |
CIS-Parent | .56** |
CIS-Child | .25* |
COIS-Parent | .39** |
COIS-Child | .20 |
p < .01;
Note: CBCL=Child Behavior Checklist; CDRS: Children’s Depression Rating Scale; CIS: Columbia Impairment Scale; COIS: Child Obsessive-Compulsive Impact Scale; CY-BOCS: Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; FAS: Family Accommodation Scale; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder