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. 2021 Jun 8;12:673025. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.673025


Clinical features of patients with atypical NF1 microdeletions.

Patient Age (y) Gender Skin manifestations Neurofibromas Dysmorphic features Skeletal manifestations Ocular Manifestations Neuropsychological manifestations Other References
BUD 14; 18 N/A CALs, F Many CNF, SNF Coarse face SCS, genu valgum, joint laxity N/A SDiCD, ID, T2 hyperintensities Many ST Kehrer-Sawatzki et al., 2003
3724A 13 Female CALs, F Few CNF Coarse face, FA, hypertelorism, ptosis, broad lips and nose PE LiN Moderate ID - Cnossen et al., 1997
6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Venturin et al., 2004a, b
UWA106-3 18 Male CALs, F Many CNF, PNF, spinal NF Coarse face, large hands MA N/A SDiCD, IQ 46 Many ST Dorschner et al., 2000; Kayes et al., 1992
442 18; 26 Male CALs, F Multiple SCNF, and many CNF, PNF Coarse face SCS LiN IQ 76, severe LD Many ST Kehrer-Sawatzki et al., 2005
BL 13,5 Male CALs, F - FD, hypertelorism Skeletal anomalies - Severe ID - Riva et al., 2000
ID806 3 mo; 3; 4 Male CALs, F - Narrow palpebral fissures, ptosis, low set, rotated ears, prominent maxilla - - Marked developmental delay, SP, seizure - Upadhyaya et al., 1996
UWA155-1 27 N/A - Multiple CNF, spinal NF Coarse face, ptosis, large hands and feet MA - Moderate ID MPNST Dorschner et al., 2000
118 5 Male CALs, F N/A - - OPG Seizure, no LD - Venturin et al., 2004b
282775 n.d. N/A CALs - Noonan-like FD - - PD, SP - Mantripragada et al., 2006
552 20 Female CALs, F 2 PNF, 4 SIN NF Large hands and feet PE, lumbar lordosis, pedes valgoplanus LiN, visual disturbance Mild ID, severe LD, SP, hypotonia - Kehrer-Sawatzki et al., 2008
NF040 1 Female CALs PNF - - * * - Zhang et al., 2015
NF056 60 Female CALs, F CNF - - * * -
NF073 25 Female CALs, F CNF - - * * -
NF076 36 Female CALs CNF - - * * -
556/NF 10 Male CALs, F - - Bilateral PP OPG - - this study
125/NF 2 Female CALs, F - - PE - - -
134/NF 40 Female CALs SCNF Hypertelorism SCS - - -
260/NF 8 Male CALs, F - FD, hypertelorism PE, MA OPG SDiCD, T2 hyperintensities ASD

CALs, café-au-lait spots; F, freckling; FA, facial asymmetry; FD, facial dysmorphy; CNF, cutaneous neurofibroma; SCNF, subcutaneous neurofibroma; PNF, plexiform neurofibroma; SIN NF, small intramuscular nodular neurofibroma; ST, spinal tumors; MPNST, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors; SDiCD, significant delay in cognitive development; ID, intellectual disability; LD, learning difficulties; SP, speech delay; PD, psychomotor delay; SCS, scoliosis; PE, pectus excavatum; MA, macrocephaly; PP, pes planus; LiN, Lisch nodule; ASD, atrial septal defect. * unclear results in the original article. NA, no data available.