Figure 2.
Expression of neutrophil markers on LDN and NDNs (A) Gating strategy to identify neutrophils (CD66b+ CD49d-) and remove any remaining eosinophils (CD66b+ CD49d+) after magnetic isolation. (B) Markers of neutrophil maturation measured by flow cytometry, shown as median fluorescence intensity (N=5). Linked samples show LDN and NDN from the same donor. (C) Markers of neutrophil activation measured by flow cytometry, shown as median fluorescence intensity (N=5). (D) NDN overlaid with LDN from a representative healthy donor to demonstrate combinations of markers previously reported to identify low density neutrophils, CD16HI, CD66bHI and CD62LLO,CD66b+. (E) Spectral intensity recorded on unstained LDN and NDN cells (N=5, Mean ± SEM error bars).