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. 2021 Jun 21;175(9):1–11. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.1685

Table 1. Baseline and Clinical Characteristics of Children Registered With QResearch Practices Between January 24, 2020, and November 30, 2020a.

Characteristic Total population No. of SARS-CoV-2 tests Tested for SARS-CoV-2 per total population, %
Total 2 576 353 410 726 15.9
Male 1 318 747 (51.2) 213 157 (51.9) 16.1
Female 1 257 606 (48.8) 197 569 (48.1) 15.7
Age, mean (SD), y 9.23 (5.24) 9.28 (5.41) NA
Age categories
0-3 mo 61 116 (2.4) 8348 (2.0) 13.7
3-12 mo 130 110 (5.1) 23 984 (5.8) 18.4
2-5 y 557 318 (21.6) 93 316 (22.7) 16.7
6-10 y 725 819 (28.2) 106 440 (25.9) 14.7
11-15 y 707 095 (27.5) 108 575 (26.4) 15.4
16-18 y 394 895 (15.3) 70 063 (17.1) 17.7
White 1 311 041 (50.9) 223 701 (78.9) 17.1
Asian 243 545 (9.5) 33 213 (11.7) 13.6
Black 93 620 (3.6) 7727 (2.7) 8.3
Mixed or other 147 529 (5.7) 18 971 (6.7) 12.9
Not recorded 780 618 (30.3) 127 114 (30.9) 16.3
Townsend deprivation quintile
1 (Least deprived) 527 452 (20.5) 95 949 (23.6) 18.2
2 547 532 (21.3) 96 475 (23.7) 17.5
3 542 116 (21.0) 88 858 (21.8) 16.4
4 509 671 (19.8) 74 096 (18.2) 14.5
5 (Most deprived) 429 060 (16.7) 51 598 (12.7) 12.0
Not recorded 20 522 (0.8) 3750 (0.9) 18.3
Geographic region of England
East Midlands 48 887 (1.9) 7977 (1.9) 16.3
East of England 98 280 (3.8) 14 980 (3.7) 15.2
London 669 444 (26.0) 82 965 (20.2) 12.4
North East 51 775 (2.0) 10 087 (2.5) 19.5
North West 473 994 (18.4) 95 702 (23.3) 20.2
South Central 341 774 (13.3) 54 145 (13.2) 15.8
South East 283 721 (11.0) 33 246 (10.8) 11.7
South West 242 585 (9.4) 38 114 (9.3) 15.7
West Midlands 284 207 (11.0) 48 147 (11.7) 16.9
Yorkshire and Humber 81 686 (3.2) 14 363 (3.5) 17.6
Household size (No. of people)
2 383 616 (14.9) 64 635 (15.7) 16.8
3-5 1 549 068 (60.1) 253 123 (61.6) 16.3
6-9 246 764 (9.6) 30 806 (7.5) 12.5
≥10 35 396 (1.4) 3950 (1.0) 11.2
Not recordedb 361 509 (14.0) 58 212 (14.2) 16.1
No relevant comorbidities 2 348 326 (91.1) 362 649 (88.3) 15.4
Asthma 183 089 (7.1) 37 519 (9.1) 20.5
Diabetes (type 1) 4916 (0.2) 1166 (0.3) 23.7
Cerebral palsy 3927 (0.2) 1153 (0.3) 29.4
Epilepsy 12 972 (0.5) 3213 (0.8) 24.8
Congenital heart disease 21 523 (0.8) 4694 (1.1) 21.8
Sickle cell disease 1600 (0.1) 332 (0.1) 20.8

Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.


Data are presented as number (percentage) unless otherwise indicated.


Household size 1 (single occupant) was reclassified as not recorded.