Fig. 2.
Annualised clinically significant exacerbation rates with mepolizumab versus placebo, by allergen sensitivity. A Annualised rate of exacerbations per season, for patients with and without allergen sensitivities receiving mepolizumab and placebo; B Rate ratio (mepolizumab versus placebo) of annualised exacerbation rates per season, for patients with and without allergen sensitivities; C Annualised rate of exacerbations per season, for patients with and without seasonal allergen sensitivities receiving mepolizumab and placebo; D Rate ratio (mepolizumab vs placebo) of annualised exacerbation rates per season, for patients with and without seasonal allergen sensitivities. For all radial plots, each increment of the radial axis represents 0.1 exacerbations/year, with the outer ring representing a possible maximum of 2.5 exacerbations/year. CI confidence interval