RNA-seq identified that expression of heparanase (HPSE) mRNA is increased in platelets during clinical infectious diseases. Platelets from healthy donors or patients with sepsis (A), influenza A/H1 N1 (B), dengue virus (C), or P. vivax malaria (D) were isolated and HPSE mRNA expression analyzed by RNA-seq. The mRNA expression of HPSE was measured as fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM). Data as shown as the fold-change in patients compared to healthy donors (dotted line). A representative IGVB image of HPSE mRNA expression is shown on the right next to each bar graph, with greater height on the y-axis indicating greater relative mRNA expression. An adjusted p- value (e.g., false discovery rate [FDR]) was utilized for statistical significance according to the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure46 (***≤.0005, ****<.0001)