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. 2021 Jun 8;12:694284. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.694284

Table 1.

Frequently used models to study L-cell secretion.

Studies on humans
- Human relevance.
- Physiologically relevant.
- Large plasma volumes can be obtained, enabling quantification of multiple hormones/molecules.
- Hormone assays are mostly readily available.
- Confounding stress-induced effects play less of a role.
- No anaesthesia required.
- Allow high temporal resolution.
- Minimal experimental control.
- Intracellular L-cell signalling cannot directly be investigated.
- Expensive.
- Time consuming (need for ethical approval and study organization).
- Inter-individual variation may be considerable, causing need for high group numbers to obtain statistical power.
- Degradation and clearance of peptides may lead to underestimation of hormone secretion.
In vivo animal studies
- Physiologically relevant.
- Allow post-mortem studies on tissue (e.g. gene expression, protein content, histology).
- Less stringent ethical regulations than in human studies with regards to pharmacological compound use.
- More experimental control than studies in humans.
- Allow relatively quick and inexpensive genetic modification
- Limited experimental control (although more control than in human studies).
- Confounding factors (e.g. stress-responses) may influence results.
- Intracellular L-cell signalling cannot directly be investigated.
- Considerable inter-animal variation requires high group numbers to obtain statistical power.
- Strain and housing conditions may profoundly affect results: results are not always reproducible between laboratories.
- Low volume plasma samples in mice limits time-resolution and number of molecules that can be quantified.
- Suitable assays may not always be available.
- Degradation and clearance of peptides may lead to underestimation of hormone secretion.
- Long term studies and studies on genetic modified animals are relatively expensive.
Immortalized L-cell cell-lines
- Direct L-cell sensing and secretion can be studied.
- High throughput.
- Inexpensive and easy to maintain.
- Intracellular signalling (e.g. calcium dynamics) can be studied.
- Allow for quick and inexpensive gene editing
- High concentration range for compound testing
- Large sample volume yield.
- High degree of standardization and low experiment-to-experiment variation.
- Low physiological relevance.
- Not identical to native L-cells in all aspects.
- Cells are non-polarized and lack influence from enteric nerves and paracrine signalling.
- Stimulation through physiological route (lumen or vasculature) is not possible.
- Hormone output is often insufficient to allow dynamic incubations (perifusion studies).
- Accumulation of secreted products and metabolites may influence the results.
Primary mucosal cultures
- Direct L-cell sensing and intracellular signalling can be studied.
- Gene editing (e.g. by siRNA) is limited.
- L-cells presumably resemble native L-cells to a larger extend than L-cell cell lines.
- Inexpensive.
- Relatively high throughput.
- Applicable for studies on human tissue.
- Applicable for studies on GMO.
- High degree of standardization and low experiment-to-experiment variation.
- High concentration range of test compounds can be applied.
- Low physiological relevance
- Duodenal and jejunal mucosa is challenging to maintain in culture.
- Cells are non-polarized and without influence from enteric nerves and paracrine signalling.
- Stimulation through physiological route (lumen or vasculature) is not possible.
- Hormone output is often insufficient to allow dynamic incubations (perifusion studies).
- Accumulation of secreted products and metabolites may influence the results.
- Experiments are done on fragile mucosal preparations susceptible to apoptosis.
Gut tissue specimens
- Studies are done on fresh tissue: Less changes in L-cell physiology.
- L-cells maintain their polarization and are integrated into the epithelial lining.
- High sample volume.
- Applicable for studies on human tissue.
- Applicable for studies on genetic modified animals.
- L-cells resemble native L-cells to a larger extend than L-cell cell lines.
- High concentration range of test compounds can be applied.
- Low physiological relevance.
- Specimens have a short survival time and ensuring adequate oxygen supply to crypt cells may be a challenge.
- Hormone output is often insufficient to allow dynamic incubations (perifusion studies).
- Accumulation of secreted products and metabolites may influence the results.
- Stimulation through physiological route (lumen or vasculature) is not possible.
- The extent to which enteric nervous signalling is maintained is uncertain.
- Allow gene editing.
- Real time L-cell monitoring.
- Investigation of intracellular L-cell signalling.
- Maintain cell renewal, epithelial lining integrity and paracrine signalling.
- Allows for studies on polarized monolayers and 3D structure.
- High concentration range of test compounds can be applied.
- Do not fully mimic the intestinal environment, resident cells and blood vessels.
- Do not form complete villus compartment.
- L-cell responsiveness may be affected by cell culture conditions.
Ussing chambers
- Studies are done on fresh tissue and native L-cells.
- L-cells maintain their polarization and are connected to the same cells as they were in vivo.
- Applicable for studies on human tissue.
- Tissue can be stimulated from the physiological relevant route (apical side or basolateral side).
- Applicable for studies on genetic modified animals.
- High concentration range of test compounds can be applied.
- Tissue do not survive well in chambers: relatively short time window for doing experiments.
- Human specimens may be difficult to obtain.
- The extent to which enteric nervous signalling is maintained is uncertain.
- Hormone output is often insufficient to allow dynamic incubations or perifusion studies.
- Accumulated secretion products may influence the results.
- Gene editing is not possible.
- Not suitable for investigation of intracellular L-cell signalling.
Isolated perfused intestines
- High degree of physiological relevance and anticipated translation to in vivo.
- Studies are done on fresh tissue: no significant changes in L-cells.
- L-cells maintain their polarization and are connected to the same cells as they were vivo.
- Allow for stimulation via the physiological relevant route (lumen or vasculature).
- Allow for constant perfusion at a physiological flow rate.
- Secretion can be studied at a high time resolution (down to second intervals).
- Absorption of nutrients can be directly be investigated.
- Large sample volume yield.
- Enteric nerve signalling and peristaltic movements are largely preserved.
- Applicable for studies on genetic modified animals.
- High concentration range of test compounds can be applied.
- Requires a certain level of surgical skills.
- Relatively expensive.
- Laborious and not applicable for screening purposes.
- siRNA mediated knock down of target genes is not readily possible.
- Relatively short time window for doing experiments (usually up to four hours).
- Not suitable for investigation of intracellular L-cell signalling.