Figure 10. Markers of the Song System (Portal 1).
Upper left: Schematic drawing of a parasagittal view of the adult male zebra finch brain depicts major brain subdivisions and the relative location of major song control nuclei; nuclei of the direct vocal-motor pathway are in black, nuclei of the anterior forebrain pathway are in white, colored dashed rectangles indicate the areas shown in the in situ hybridization images. Other panels: Examples of in situ hybridization images of positive or negative markers (up- or down-regulated expression compared to adjacent areas) of zebra finch song nuclei HVC (blue), RA (vermillion), LMAN (yellow), Area X (orange), DLM (reddish purple), DM (green) and NIf (sky blue). We note that various markers of LMAN specifically label the core (LMANco), shell (LMANsh), or both core and shell regions of LMAN. DM: mediodorsal nucleus of the intercollicular complex; NIf: nucleus interfacialis; N: nidopallium; St: Striatum; †: Unknown region of the dorsal thalamus surrounding nucleus DLM; ‡: Unknown region of the dorsal thalamus likely corresponding to the DLM defined by Wada et al., 2004. For other abbreviations, see Figure 1 legend. Scale bars for LMAN, DLM, and Area X = 200 μm; for all other nuclei = 100 μm.