(a) View of the Browser depicting an in situ image from an example gene (ADAM23), with Turn Labels button activated. The set of icons at the bottom of the browser indicate the levels of the in situ images available for this gene, and the highlighted icon indicates the level of the enlarged image at the center of the browser. The position of the section being viewed relative to the midline is illustrated by the orange line on the dorsal-view schematic drawing of the brain, in the top right corner of the bowser. The distance (in mm) of the current section from the midline, as well as the section level in the series, are indicated beneath that schematic. The navigation buttons on the lower right provide options for panning (arrows) or zooming (+ and −) an image, resetting the image zoom level (diagonally opposing arrows), toggling between the in situ image and the corresponding drawing from the histological reference atlas (circular arrows; note that the atlas drawing cannot be zoomed from this browser), requesting an image from ZEBrA (camera symbol), turning anatomical labels ON/OFF, and moving to the next or previous image in the series (>> or <<). The Pan function can also be applied by clicking and dragging the main image in any desired direction, and all other navigation functions can be activated by the appropriate keyboard stroke, as described under the “Navigation Help” tab in the upper-left corner of the browser. The size and position of the field of view shown at the center of the browser is indicated by the blue rectangle over the icon on the bottom left, and the image scale is indicated above that icon. The icon above the scale provides access to the histological atlas browser, which opens in another window. (b-d) Enlarged views of the areas indicated by the red boxes in (a-c), corresponding to the core region of song nucleus LMAN (LMANco). Scale bars: (b): 100 μm; (c): 50 μm, (d): 25 μm. (e) View of the reference drawing (with labels ON) associated with the in situ image in (a) depicts specific brain structures present at the level of that in situ image. (f) View of the corresponding colorized drawing depicts the position of general brain subdivisions present at that level.