Fig. 6. Analysis of the coverage and distribution of ion identities in public LC-MS2 spectral libraries (refer to Supplementary Table 3 for library origins).
Two-thirds of the MassBank of North America LC-MS2-positive ion mode library entries were entered as [M + H]+ while only four other ion types reached more than 1000 entries, namely, [M + Na]+, [M + NH4]+, [M + K]+, and [M − H2O + H]+. Other in-source fragments, multiply charged species, and multimers are only covered for a few compounds. A significant number of entries were either annotated as negatively charged adducts (e.g., [M − H]−) or were missing an annotation. As the ion identity naming was not harmonized, different versions pointing to the same ion identity were added to a total count. A similar ion annotation coverage was found in the GNPS spectral libraries. In contrast, libraries that were generated with the recently described MSMS-Chooser29 workflow on GNPS or the IIMN-based library extraction workflow, described here, show an overall broader coverage of different adducts, multimers, and in-source fragments. The depicted statistical visualization compares a subset of significant or representative ion identities. The IIMN-based numbers summarize the libraries from both the 24 experimental datasets and the two NIH natural product standards datasets with a total of 2659 library entries. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.