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. 2021 Jun 23:1–11. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-01993-0

Table 3.

Multivariate logistic regression predicting donating: items to people in need during COVID-19 or money to combat COVID-19

Predictor B SE B Wald df p Exp(B) 95% CI
Model 1, χ2(7) = 22.73, p = .002, Nagelkerke = .188
  Gender .18 .54 .11 1 .74 1.20 .42; 3.44
  Age .13 .04 9.40 1 <.01 1.14 1.05; 1.24
  Frequency of volunteering before the epidemic .23 .09 6.51 1 <.05 1.26 1.06; 1.50
  SVO (recoded) −.01 .02 .23 1 .64 .99 .96; 1.03
  Present-Fatalistic time perspective .26 .32 .68 1 .41 1.30 .70; 2.41
  Present-Hedonistic time perspective .90 .36 6.22 1 <.05 2.45 1.21; 4.94
  Future time perspective −.08 .35 .05 1 .83 .93 .47; 1.84
Model 2, χ2(7) = 4.71, p = .696, Nagelkerke = .041
  Gender −.15 .51 .09 1 .77 .86 .32; 2.35
  Age .06 .04 2.70 1 .10 1.06 .99; 1.15
  Frequency of volunteering before the epidemic .05 .08 .36 1 .55 1.05 .89; 1.24
  SVO (recoded) .01 .02 .24 1 .62 1.01 .97; 1.05
  Present-Fatalistic time perspective .06 .30 .04 1 .85 1.06 .59; 1.90
  Present-Hedonistic time perspective .35 .33 1.17 1 .28 1.42 .75; 2.71
  Future time perspective .08 .32 .06 1 .81 1.08 .57; 2.04