Fig. 1. Pan-cancer landscapes of crosstalk between EMT and immune evasion across 17 types of solid cancer.
A Violin plots of the infiltration levels of TILs and EMT levels for different subtypes of four types of cancer. B Gene set enrichment analysis of CYThigh and CYTlow tumors in ovarian cancer and bladder cancer. C Correlation between expression of mesenchymal and epithelial marker genes and CYT across the different types of cancer. D Correlation between the infiltration levels of the 22 immune cell subpopulations and EMT scores across different types of cancer. E Expression heatmaps of 83 EMT-associated growth factors in cancer cell lines and immune cell lines. F Boxplots of expression of TGFB1, HGF, BMP1 and PDGFB in different cell groups. ***P < 0.001. CYT cytolytic activity, EMT epithelial-mesenchymal transition, TILs tumor-infiltrating leukocytes.