Figure 4.
Reef growth by Acropora palmata on the Southeast Florida Continental Reef Tract compared with Holocene sea-level and climate variability. (A) A. palmata ages (± 95% confidence intervals [CIs], horizontal uncertainties) versus Holocene relative sea level in southern Florida53 plotted by depth relative to MSL (± 95% CI). Vertical uncertainties for A. palmata ages are 95% CIs of the root-sum-squares of estimated elevational uncertainties (see Toth et al.50). (B) Global composite of Holocene temperature anomalies24 (± 95% CI; see Supplementary Discussion). (c) Variability in the position of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) inferred from Titanium flux to the Cariaco Basin (Ti%)25. Vertical shading represents the timing of reef termination in each subregion (width of shading is range from peak of KDE to youngest age at each location).