RCRPS data from all subjects. (A) RCRPS profiles for the OK group (red) and MFCL group (blue). Solid line: mean value; shaded area: 95% confidence interval for the population means. (B) Half_x, (C) Half_y, (D) Sum4, and (E) Sum7. (B–E) OK group, red line; MFCL group, blue bars. RCRPS, relative corneal refractive power shift; D, diopter; OK, orthokeratology; MFCL, multifocal soft contact lens. Half_x, the corneal eccentric location where RCRPS reached the half peak value; Half_y, half of the RCRPS peak value; Sum4, the integrated value of the RCRPS located within an area of 4-mm diameter; Sum7, the integrated value of the RCRPS located within an area of 7-mm diameter.