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. 2021 Jun 16;68:103432. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103432

Table 2.

Median (interquartiles), Wilcoxon rank-sum test p-value, median difference (atorvastatin – placebo), and 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for median difference. The concentration units are pM for serum and pM in homogenate (100 mg tissue/1 mL saline) for prostatic tissue steroid hormone profile. Cortisol and 11KA4 levels have decreased after atorvastatin intervention in the atorvastatin arm (n = 56) compared to placebo (n = 52), and the difference is statistically significant. After adjusting the Wilcoxon rank-sum test p-values for multiple comparison, the adjusted p-value for the 11KA4 difference between the study arms is 0.001. For prostatic tissue hormone profile, the 11KDHT, Estrone, and DHEA are significantly differing between the study arms (atorvastatin n = 51, placebo n = 48). After adjusting the p-values for multiple comparison all p-values inflate above significance level 0.05. In the serum, the median difference of 11KA4 is significantly differing between the study arms (−342.5, 95% bootstrap CI-505.23 −188.98). In the prostatic tissue, the median difference of 11KDHT is significantly differing between the study arms (−6.53, 95% bootstrap CI −12.80 −0.29).

Serum hormone Placebo, median (Q1 – Q3), n = 52 Atorvastatin, median (Q1 – Q3), n = 56 p-value Median diff. 95% bootstrap CI for median difference.
Cortisol 333,333.5 (267,289.25–420,965.5) 291,364.5 (234,340–358,946.75) 0.035 −41,969 −86,983.9 8754.69
Cortisone 61,173 (53,556–67,695) 57,485 (50,435.75–68,475.25) 0.202 −3688 −9014.5 1254.43
11KA4 960 (715.75–1254.25) 617.5 (506.5–825) <0.0001 −342.5 −505.23 −188.98
11KT 1275.5 (826.25–1852.25) 1214.5 (829–1546.5) 0.324 −61 −456.66 264.04
11OHT 567 (444.75–800) 573.5 (444–728.25) 0.515 6.5 −173 133.64
11bOH A4 6043 (4073–8225.75) 5292.5 (4098–6489.5) 0.187 −750.5 −2033 360.08
Estrone 142.5 (109–189.5) 129 (104–160) 0.108 −13.6 −44.03 15.01
11DOX 849 (547.5–1372) 903 (563.25–1185.75) 0.963 −221.33 260.03
17OH Pregne 2815 (1928.25–4232.75) 2121.5 (1567–3472.25) 0.053 −693.5 −1656.03 168.71
DHEA 9862.5 (6098.75–11,945.25) 7479 (5098.25–10,040.75) 0.079 −2383 −4388 326
Androstenedione 2794.5 (1971.5–3702.5) 2598.5 (1949.25–3487) 0.322 −196 −620.09 219.01
Testo 15,058.5 (12,481.75–20,652.25) 15,613 (11,116.5–20,581.25) 0.742 554.5 −2877.69 2981
DHT 1252.5 (923–1648.25) 1248.5 (815.25–1720.5) 0.717 −4 −344.01 363
Androstanedione 212.5 (134.5–259) 166 (114.75–231.75) 0.066 −46.5 −83.013 20.5
17OH Proge 2430 (1579–3889.25) 2076.5 (1627–2738) 0.19 −353.5 −982.13 358
Pregnenolone 2232.5 (1514.75–2852.75) 1746 (1240–2689.75) 0.062 −486.5 −863.08 38.2
Progesterone 168 (127.25–287.25) 163.5 (112.75–204) 0.116 −4.5 −47.5 28
Prostatic tissue hormone Placebo, median (Q1 – Q3), n = 48 Atorvastatin, median (Q1 – Q3), n = 51 p-value Median diff. 95% bootstrap CI for median difference

Cortisol 1218.775 (603.0525–2476.285) 1605 (791.42–2561.97) 0.204 386.23 −182.19 868.96
Cortisone 225 (118.1375–437.7025) 280.25 (168.3–493.73) 0.196 55.25 −38.11 191.60
11KDHT 25.015 (19.1–34.3125) 18.49 (13.1–26.82) 0.027 −6.53 −12.80 −0.29
Estrone 10.62 (5.7525–13.7075) 12.08 (9.17–18.69) 0.044 1.46 −0.88 5.43
17OH Pregne 66.065 (49.155–106.5875) 68.77 (47.56–112.175) 0.703 2.71 −14.54 27.12
DHEA 2243.835 (1151.7075–3240.335) 3123.46 (1772.325–5043.845) 0.037 879.63 −20.65 1622.79
Androstenedione 11.325 (7.22–16.565) 11.08 (7.635–15.275) 0.966 −0.245 −3.28 3.06
Testo 10.08 (8.075–19.6925) 13.37 (7.72–31.145) 0.171 3.29 −0.29 8.24
DHT 824.325 (677.6175–1050.8925) 864.02 (684.585–1047.76) 0.958 39.70 −137.01 151.21
AndrostAnedione 77.55 (59.02–106.965) 78 (58.585–113.94) 0.853 0.45 −21.57 17.12
Pregnenolone 394.76 (268.285–548.795) 444.5 (273.615–699.67) 0.350 49.74 −50.00 160.87