Fig. 7.
Effect of MBL and VHP+O3 treatments on human and manikin fit factor of FFRs and medical masks. (A) We performed human fit testing with volunteer participants who adjusted the FFRs and medical masks to achieve the highest fit factor or seal and subsequently performed head movements and remeasured fit or seal. (B) Manikin fit factors using advanced, realistic manikin headforms is a reproducible method to test fit without volunteer participants. We used the PortaCount PRO+ 8038 machine (TSI, Inc, Shoreview, MN) to determine the overall fit for both human participants and manikins headforms. *Indicates significantly different values between treated and untreated FFR or medical mask at P < .05, Student t-test or Mann-Whitney U test, as appropriate. **Horizontal line represents the following standard: Per OSHA 1910.134(f), if the overall fit factor as determined through an OSHA-accepted quantitative fit-testing protocol is ≥100 for tight-fitting half facepieces, then the fittest has been passed for that respirator. Percentages on or above each bar represent % of respirators or masks tested that surpassed this standard. Although the standard does not apply to face masks, we present the % to note the strong difference between respirator and face mask test results. Note. RH, Halyard duckbill respirator (Fluidshield-46727); RM, 3M half-sphere respirator (1860); R3, 3M panel respirator (1870+); FW, EN 14683 Type II generic face mask; FH, ASTM F2100 Level 2 Halyard face mask.