Figure 2.
PRRT2 deficiency specifically decreases the contribution of P/Q channels to evoked EPSCs
(A, D, and G) Representative eEPSCs recorded before (1, control) and during (2, toxins) application of Nife; (5 μM), Cono-GVIA (3 μM), or Aga-IVA (0.2 μM) in WT autaptic neurons. eEPSCs were elicited by clamping the cell at –70 mV and stimulating it with 0.5 ms voltage steps to +40 mV applied at 0.1 Hz. Toxins were applied after 100 s of baseline recording, only when the Ca2+ current rundown was lower than 10%. In all of the traces, the stimulation artifacts were blanked for clarity.
(B and C) Upper panels: eEPSC amplitude (means ± SEMs) recorded under control conditions and in the presence of Nife in Scr- (n = 6; red bars) and Sh4- (n = 7; blue bars) infected neurons (B) and in WT (n = 8; red open bars) and PRRT2 KO (n = 7; blue open bars) neurons (C). The line-connected symbols represent the individual responses before and after Nife application. Lower panels: individual data and means ± SEMs of the percent blockade of eEPSC amplitude (left) and of Nife-sensitive EPSC amplitude (right) in the corresponding experimental groups. p = 0.58 (Scr versus Sh4; % blockade), p = 0.68 (Scr versus Sh4; Nife sensitivity), p = 0.61 (WT versus KO; % blockade), p = 0.62 (WT versus KO; Nife sensitivity), paired Student’s t test.
(E and F) Recordings performed as in (B) and (C) under control conditions and in the presence of Cono-GVIA (3 μM) in the following experimental groups: Scr- (n = 11; red bars) and Sh4- (n = 13; blue bars) infected neurons (E) and in WT (n = 15; red open bars) and PRRT2 KO (n = 14; blue open bars) neurons (F). p = 0.32 (Scr versus Sh4; % blockade), p = 0.06 (Scr versus Sh4; Cono sensitivity), p = 0.36 (WT versus PRRT2 KO; % blockade), p = 0.12 (WT versus PRRT2 KO; Cono sensitivity), paired Student’s t test.
(H and I) Recordings performed as in (B) and (C) under control conditions and in the presence of Aga-IVA (5 μM) in the following experimental groups: Scr- (n = 15; red bars) and Sh4- (n = 10; blue bars) infected neurons (H) and in WT (n = 14; red open bars) and PRRT2 KO (n = 10; blue open bars) neurons (I). ∗∗p < 0.01 (Scr versus Sh4; % blockade), ∗∗∗p < 0.001 (Scr versus Sh4; Aga sensitivity), p = 0.2 (WT versus PRRT2 KO; % blockade), ∗∗p < 0.01 (WT versus PRRT2 KO; Aga sensitivity), paired Student’s t test.